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Economic Scenarios

Michetti: Restaurateurs are the new working class and their dignity must be protected

The demonstrations in piazza Montecitorio and in several other Italian squares have shocked some right-thinking people: how self-employed workers, especially restaurateurs, dare to rebel! How can this happen! They just have to work, pay taxes, suffer the oppression of any public authority and keep quiet !. Instead the demonstrations showed that any man, pushed to exasperation, can explode.

The reasons of those who no longer know how to put the dish on the table, also given the insufficient refreshments (Italy is the bottom in Europe) not only do not seem to be a priority for the administrators, but they are not even fully understood by everyone, in particularly by those who – fortunately for him – can still count on a fixed salary. Yet these people are like the workers of the fifties and sixties who, without aid, without guarantees, fought for their rights. We have erased all rights of a working class, returning them to the first half of the twentieth century, all out of a mix of pandemic fear and prejudice against self-employment. Professor Enrico Michetti presents their situation well to RadioRadio, the new proletariat that has not yet fully expressed its anger. Aren't they also men, endowed with dignity? Do they have to undergo the first Hope of passage?

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The article Michetti: The restaurateurs are the new working class and their dignity must be protected comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/michetti-i-ristoratori-sono-la-nuova-classe-operaia-e-bisogna-tutelarne-la-dignita/ on Fri, 09 Apr 2021 07:00:09 +0000.