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Economic Scenarios

Michigan: close the nuclear power plant? you risk a blackout. The harsh law of energy

on May 20, the Palisades nuclear power plant in Michiga closed and was sold by decommissioning. Not a new plant, for heaven's sake: the plant was over 50 years old having been built in 1971. However, it still produced, safely, about 18 GW / h of electricity, 6,000 GW / h per year. Who will take his place?

In a torrid summer the state of Michiga n will find itself with: _

  • 6.5% less energy in total;
  • 15% less clean energy;
  • 600 fewer high-paying jobs;
  • a local community practically razed to the ground.

A good result, given that Palisades will not be replaced by a new plant or new reactors: it will simply be demolished, all in a state that already has, before its closure, a record for blackouts . At this point, Michigan will have to rely on supplies from other states to stay afloat energetically.

The problem is always the same: decisions are taken either for short-term economic reasons or on the basis of demagogic and current trends, without any serious medium-term planning. The result of this choice will, paradoxically, be moving away from Biden's ecological goals, because this energy will be replaced by fossil sources. Without considering that industrial or economic development cannot be planned without abundant and cheap energy. They are in the hands of a political class, on both sides of the ocean, which instead basks in its own words, without considering the harsh reality of the facts.

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The Michigan article: shut down the nuclear power plant? you risk a blackout. The harsh law of energy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/michigan-chiudi-la-centrale-nucleare-rischi-blackout-la-dura-legge-dellenergia/ on Sat, 28 May 2022 08:00:36 +0000.