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Microsoft prepares a ten-year plan for the quantum computer

Microsoft reveals its agenda for building a quantum supercomputer. The company is taking steps to "accelerate scientific discovery" and says it has already reached the first milestone.

Microsoft has announced plans to build a quantum supercomputer in the next few years. The development of the supercomputer builds on work Microsoft completed last year with topological Majorana quantum bits (qubits).

These Majorana qubits form the basis of Microsoft's approach to building a quantum computer. The company expects it to be more stable than machines built with other types of known qubits.

The big news this week is that the Azure Quantum team has published a new peer-reviewed paper (in the American Physical Society's journal Physical Review B) stating that Microsoft has reached this first milestone on its path to a quantum supercomputer.

However, there are two other significant hurdles to overcome. The next step will be to achieve the resilience of the logic qubits developed by Microsoft. The last stage will be the achievement of the necessary dimensional scale. Microsoft believes that the stability of its Majorana qubits will make it easier to reach the level of resilience, and that stability will also help it reach the desired size of computing capacity.

The development as part of a ten-year plan

Krysta Svore, vice president of advanced quantum development at Microsoft, told TechCrunch that Microsoft believes it will take less than 10 years to build a quantum supercomputer using its Majorana qubits. By then they should be able to “reliably” perform one million quantum operations per second. The timeline is similar to the 10-year plan IBM announced earlier this month.

Today, Microsoft has noisy intermediate-scale quantum machines, Svore explained. “They're built around physical qubits and aren't yet reliable enough to do something practical and useful,” Svore added. In defining what is useful, Svore specified that: "For science or commercial industry."

The Redmond-based tech giant is obviously not the only company in the running to build a quantum supercomputer. But if we are to believe Microsoft and IBM, we will see the final results over the next decade. Yet the quantum computer, with its characteristics of flexibility, is a real hope of computing

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The article Microsoft prepares a ten-year plan for the quantum computer comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/microsoft-prepara-un-piano-decennale-per-il-computer-quantistico/ on Tue, 04 Jul 2023 19:56:58 +0000.