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Milan: several thousand people in the square listening to Robert F. Kennedy. Then… all in Piazza Duomo

As expected, the speech of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the grandson of John F. Kennedy and son of Robert Kennedy was given in Milan. In a peaceful environment in front of several thousand people, the president of the Children's Health Defense, spoke for about forty minutes about rights, the usefulness of vaccinations of a society where people are strictly controlled by the authorities, even saying some inaccuracy. But he also asked an essential question: if the vaccination lasts so short and above all does not stop the spread of the virus, why make it surreptitiously mandatory?

Anyway, here is the complete speech

He also attacked the drug companies that made the vaccines: why did they stop follow-ups of drug trials after six months? Simply because the vaccines themselves are valid for six months …

However, after the speech, on the sly, people moved to Piazza Duomo where they held a garrison under strict police control

Other demonstrations and parades were held in Turin, Naples and Rome.



It seems that, as can be easily foreseen, the harsh reaction of the interior ministry last week has brought more people, not fewer, to the square.

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The article Milan: several thousand people in the square listening to Robert F. Kennedy. Then… everyone in Piazza Duomo comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/milano-diverse-migliaia-di-persone-in-piazza-ad-ascoltare-robert-f-kennedy-poi-tutti-in-piazza-duomo/ on Sat, 13 Nov 2021 21:05:33 +0000.