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Millions of expiring doses. Prof. Bassetti explains his suspicions on twitter. Then he repents and cancels.

In July 120 thousand doses of vaccine will expire while by the end of August another 3 million and 117 thousand will expire. The data was officially provided by the site of the Vaccination Campaign Completion Unit, the structure led by General Tommaso Petroni who took over from General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo at the end of the state of emergency. On the other hand, the total doses donated by Italy to low- and middle-income countries with low immunization are 53.5 million.

At that point EVEN Bassetti had a very slight suspicion …

Bassetti at 9.12 today writes, commenting on the news of TGCom24: “Fourth dose. Thinking badly makes you sin, but … ".

Then tell me what happened. He will have had a coffee that brought him back to reason, he will have opened his home banking account and remembered the mortgage, he will have read in Class magazine that Rolex has produced an amazing new Rolex in kryptonite, he will have received a phone call with offers that cannot be to refuse, in short, we do not know and we can only make surreal hypotheses. The fact is that the tweet with the pains of young Matteo is deleted and replaced at 11.59 with a much more neutral one, which contains only the stamp of the news of the magical macerated serums, unless someone offers his arm so that it is not said that I am been wasted money.

And even today the virginity that we do it again tomorrow.

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Article Millions of expiring doses. Prof. Bassetti explains his suspicions on twitter. Then he repents and cancels. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/milioni-di-dosi-in-scadenza-il-prof-bassetti-esterna-su-twitter-i-suoi-sospetti-poi-si-pente-e-cancella/ on Thu, 14 Jul 2022 09:10:54 +0000.