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Economic Scenarios

Natural Gas: if the Germans speak to us of solidarity, it is to cheat on methane …

For years the European Union has been talking about “Solidarity” in the management of Natural Gas reserves and resources. In practice, a series of basic services should be defined which should also be guaranteed and ensured by supplies from third countries. As Spiegel notes, this time Germany wants to be the vanguard of this rediscovered European solidarity. Agreements have even already been concluded with some neighboring countries, such as the Czech Republic, for the sharing of reserves. The sharing mechanisms should already provide for the calculation of costs to repay the flows that would depart from supplier countries to those in need. Furthermore, the Commission should define which industrial plants at European level are necessary and not to be closed. Making the commission decide is equivalent to having Berlin decide directly

How, a country that has starved Greek pensioners suddenly becomes solidarity, indeed it wants to propose itself as the vanguard of solidarity? Because surely Germany will not be able to replenish its reserves sufficiently. As we have pointed out, since Nord Stream 1 closed for maintenance, Germany has no longer been able to put gas in its stocks. On the contrary, Snam, for Italy, is injecting gas at very high prices, but it is doing it, thanks to the limited national use, as underlined by @Durezzadelviver.

It seems clear that Germany, accompanied by Austria, which is in the same situation, want to take possession of the reserves of the other countries with the excuse of solidarity. However, the request for solidarity found some replies from southern European countries: for example, the Portuguese politician Bruno Maçães, who dealt with Germany during the debt crisis, pointed out that at the time the finance minister Scheuble he pointed out to him that each country had to bear its own costs which were not to be socialized. Why should this happen now? Hungary has already banned the export of all energy sources, already moving forward

So there is only one chicken left to pluck, the usual Italy, where the pro-German party,

“Which is in the interest of Europe, not of Italy”, he is always very strong and ready to squeeze us for the good of Berlin. our reserves will end up beyond the Alps and it is not certain that they will even completely repay us for the very high costs we are incurring to create them.

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The Natural Gas article: if the Germans talk to us about solidarity, it is to cheat on methane… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gas-naturale-se-i-tedeschi-ci-parlano-di-solidarieta-e-per-fregarci-il-metano/ on Mon, 18 Jul 2022 10:00:42 +0000.