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NAVALNY AND MERKEL: Germany’s great show of hypocrisy

By now in Germany, and in half of Europe, nothing else is being talked about: Navalny was poisoned by Putin with Novichok, the famous Russian poison gas already used in the United Kingdom, without much success. Therefore Germany must react against the brutality of the means used by the Russian "Dictator".

This theory turned truth is funny, also because it presents Vladimir Putin as the most clumsy dictator since the days of Charlie Chaplin and "The Great Dictator": in fact, Uncle Vladimiro is a bungler who:

  • uses a gas that did NOT work in the UK to attack the life of an opponent in Russia. We see that the FSB has either lost the instructions for the construction of the famous " Bulgarian Umbrella " which fired a microcapsule of ricin with certain deadly effect, or they have run out of stocks of polonium. Or in the last 30 years they have been so lazy that they have not developed any other means of killing a person without leaving traces: a contact with a resistant antibiotic bacterial strain, for example, would be enough. No, they use the Novichock … ..
  • Putin poisons a person, leaves traces of the poison in his body, and then lets that person be taken to a Western country for treatment and, above all, for the poison to be detected.

Clearly to say that Navalny was poisoned by Putin it is enough to believe it, as it seems, reading the newspapers, it seems the Germans are doing. Which, however, casts some doubts on Berlin's good faith: if Putin is such a brutal dictator why buy natural gas directly from him, strongly strengthening his economic and political position? Why complete Nord Stream 2, which will allow Gazprom, an emanation of the state, to flood Germany, the Netherlands and Austria with low-cost gas, not paying the rights of way to Poland and Ukraine and providing a competitive advantage? Just stop the work in which the Russian giant has invested 8 billion dollars, to punish Putin.

But Vladimir is bad to Navalny, but he's good when he sells gas. It is easy to predict that these German protests will end in nothing. Do you want the greedy Teutonic to give up a good deal? But let alone. Gas is worth 10 or 100 Navalny.

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The article NAVALNY AND MERKEL: Germany's great show of hypocrisy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/navalny-e-merkel-il-grande-show-di-ipocrisia-della-germania/ on Thu, 03 Sep 2020 08:27:51 +0000.