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Economic Scenarios

Neither are we invulnerable to censorship. Leave or double?

Today the advertising concessionaire of Scenarieconomici.it , which pays the money for the costs of the site and little more, informed us that we have been banned from the Google advertising platform. To give an example, even the well-known American economic and political site Zerohedge, which is a little inspiration for many things, has suffered the same fate.

Scenarios provides data and commentary on news. The news is taken from the international press, from official sources, with, almost always, the reference link. Comments are personal comments and opinions, always made with respect for everyone. So we were frankly amazed at what happened: why banned us from an advertising platform?

We point out that our authors have been, compared to the average, very cautious on many vaccine issues. Most are strongly pro-vax and, if anything, we have condemned the inefficiency and delays in applying the therapy which is taking so long as to be almost useless. Even in the US elections we highlighted the possible fraud, but also how, at a certain point, Trump's path was marked. In European politics we provide official data which are often contrary to the mainstream narrative, but which are true, real and tangible. So we ask ourselves: why this censorship?

Now we are faced with a choice: to leave, or rather to reduce to a minimum, or to double. It seems that simply speaking one's own modest truth is no longer possible in the modern world. You are either aligned or you are against it, and this is by no means a positive factor. Freedom is becoming an increasingly rare and expensive commodity.

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The article Not even we are invulnerable to censorship. Leave or double? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/neanche-noi-siamo-invulnerabili-alla-censura-lasciare-o-raddoppiare/ on Wed, 27 Jan 2021 11:44:09 +0000.