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Netherlands: chaos and looting in Eindhoven after the new measures against the Coronavirus

Curfew, tighter lockdown and strict travel measures are not doing the Netherlands well. Last week there were clashes in the Museum Square in Amsterdam, but this Sunday it got even worse and the clashes spread to Eindhoven.

In this city there were clashes in the station square and in the surrounding streets, with the police who also used water cannons and also loaded heavily. After all, the demonstrators broke shop windows, overturned and burned a car and, in general, tried to demonstrate illegally:

In the suburb of Urk, protesters against the government curfew attacked and set fire to a test center for covid-19:

Even Amsterdam, however, saw some clashes, always in the areas near the Museum Square, and even in this case the police had to intervene even with the use of water cannons.

Over 2,000 people gathered last week and 143 arrests were made. This week there is still no news on the effects of the police intervention.

Even in The Hague there were clashes with the police and a police motorbike was set on fire by the demonstrators:

The curfew in the Netherlands is now increasingly turning out to be a problem not of covid-19, but of public order. Lockdown and curfew are leading to widespread protests, but the police have moved very hard in the crackdown. We frankly wonder how long the population will tolerate these forms of extreme closedown. In the end, the Italians are the ones who are reacting best.

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The article Holland: chaos and looting in Eindhoven after the new measures against Coronavirus comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/olanda-caos-e-saccheggi-a-eindhoven-dopo-le-nuove-misure-contro-il-coronavirus/ on Sun, 24 Jan 2021 20:30:45 +0000.