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Netherlands: Police open fire on protesting farmers. These are carrying a tank. Straight to the revolution-repression cycle

The government is losing its mind in the Netherlands. Police opened fire on protesters' farm tractors moving along the streets. The justification, obviously reported by pro-Rutte newspapers, such as Telegraaf, is that they were intimidating shots, the image above shows the hole of a bullet at the height of the cabin of the agricultural vehicle which, only fortunately, does not hit and killed no one. Here is the complete scene, which shows that the tractor was not threatening anyone and that the policemen shot at height of man, to kill

The Dutch policemen have an easy trigger and have already fired during the demonstrations against vaccination obligations, in that case injuring some demonstrators.

It must be said that Dutch farmers and their allies, coming from almost all categories, have shown an enviable organization and imagination. In one block they responded by carrying a tank, a Sherman, probably used for films and historical reenactments.

It will be interesting to see a police armored vehicle try to move a real 30-ton tank…

We remind you that the demonstrations of the farmers are due to the law, wanted by the Rutte government, without any bargaining with the farmers, for the reduction of "Nitrogen emissions" in the environment, which would oblige the latter to reduce their production by 1/3, among other things at a time when world food security is in danger. A demagogic law, imposed by a mix of extremism and Davos goals, which would bankrupt thousands of Dutch farms whose owners are, of course, willing to do anything at this point. The protest meets a certain sympathy in the population, with other categories that have joined together for solidarity.

Numerous distribution centers are blocked by farmers, making it impossible to supply supermarkets. It is brilliant to have centralized distribution, which allows a country to be brought to its knees by blocking a few centralized points. Also, of course, no fresh food is delivered.

Supermarkets are starting to have empty shelves. Despite this, the news is not very present in the Dutch media. Who knows if not finding meat or vegetables at the supermarket presents the problem more clearly: no farmers, no food on the shelves …

The police, now cornered as repressive methods, has relied on two classics: undercover agents provocateurs in plain clothes and the use of left-wing extremists "Antifa", the violent arm of power, to repress farmers. He didn't always go well with undercover agents ..

Here's what these undercover agents look like, provoking and then making surprise arrests. A very democratic thing, also used by Putin, of which the Netherlands are among the toughest opponents.

However the message is getting through and starting to worry Dutch citizens: without the farmers, what will we eat? The Netherlands is therefore the world exporter of agricultural products and the destruction of this sector, wanted by the liberal government of Rutte to pursue the "Green" chimeras, would mean not only the cancellation of a class of small entrepreneurs, but also the increase of world food insecurity. A law, that of Rutte, which leads directly to poverty and hunger without alternatives, but, with a left-wing judiciary and an incredibly weak and stubborn government, farmers are left with only the harsh demonstrations.

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The article Netherlands: Police open fire on protesting farmers. These are carrying a tank. Straight to the revolution-repression cycle comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/paesi-bassi-la-polizia-apre-il-fuoco-sugli-agricoltori-che-protestano-questi-portano-un-carro-armato-dritti-verso-il-ciclo-rivoluzione-repressione/ on Wed, 06 Jul 2022 07:00:44 +0000.