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Economic Scenarios

NEVER forget: the original letter from the ECB to Berlusconi, dated 2011, which destroyed our sovereignty

There are historical documents that must be kept for future memory of the major errors and historical shame made by people and entities. In this case, what we are attaching is the image of the letter that the ECB sent to the Prime Minister of the time, Silvio Berlusconi, and to his finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, in which Italy was obliged to carry out the famous "Reforms". The letter that put an end to the Italian democratic government was signed by Trichet and Draghi

They are, sorry, the same emeritus bullshit they say today, in the same way. "Improve competitiveness", as if it were the height., Or the waistline. Obviously Kaldor worked in vain. Naturally there was talk of reforms in the labor market, which was later destroyed, including article 18, during the Renzi government. Did anything improve for the Italians? No, it didn't improve anything, did it improve anything for the debt? least of all.

Here we are talking about "fiscal interventions in the pension system", which then opened the doors to Fornero and at the time of the exodus, only recently concluded. There is also talk of cuts in public spending, starting with healthcare, which we remember was powerfully cut by the Monti government first and then by Renzi. Then we remember the IMU, the property tax, which costs 24 billion to Italians, the tax on boats, which destroyed the nautical sector …

The letter ended with an invitation to speak and signatures.

11 years have passed and there is still talk of reforms, basically the same, identical, already made and which have not achieved any results. Precisely because it is the monetary mechanism that does not work and because most of the restrictions AGAINST development are due to the bureaucratic-repressive network desired by the EU. Furthermore, this letter revealed the emptiness of "Central Bank Independence", which was actually heavily dependent on both certain states and numerous preconceptions.

This letter gave way to the European debt crisis, which did not lead to anything good, for anyone, on the contrary it condemned the EU to stagnation. A crime? we don't know, definitely a mistake.

11 have passed and practically nothing has changed

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The article To NEVER forget: the original letter from the ECB to Berlusconi, dated 2011, which destroyed our sovereignty comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/per-mai-dimenticare-loriginale-della-letterina-della-bce-a-berlusconi-datata-2011-che-distrusse-la-nostra-sovranita/ on Tue, 21 Jun 2022 17:30:29 +0000.