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New York? A city that is becoming a ghost town, one of those abandoned places that then remain only as memories and archaeological remains. A revenge of Nineveh or Babylon against the city that "Never sleeps", but which seems to be on its way to eternal sleep. The synchronized blows of Covid-19, economic crisis and BLM demonstrations are giving a fatal blow to a community considered very rich.

Watch this video where a citizen walks down Fifth Avenue, the heart of Manhattan, and shows all the shops closed, armored, in terror of looting. Impressive images.

Kilometers of closed and armored shops. A ghostly sight, and not even hurricanes are coming. After all, offices are useless with teleworking, closed theaters, continuous and daily events, high taxes: why stay in New York? It doesn't make any sense! So here's the solution: leave, especially to the south. In 2018 an average of 100 New Yorkers were leaving the city every day, today there are about 270, as reported by Forbes, often for Florida, where taxes are much lower, costs more limited, restaurants open for weeks and BLM demonstrations ended by. time. A hard blow for Di Blasio, mayor, and Cuomo, the governor.

How long do you think it is necessary to wait for this to happen in the large European and Italian cities: online commerce has cut the legs and space to the physical one, Milan and Rome still have very, too high rents for the non-existent service standards. Raggi and Sala pretend to think internationally, but their cities are insecure, dirty and often with insufficient services and now they don't have the appeal of international life, nor of restaurants and entertainment venues, nor of theaters and cinemas. With the threatened revision of the cadastral estimates, what is the point of continuing to live there?

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The article NEW YORK FIFTH AVENUE, GHOST CITY. Soon also in Italy… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/new-york-fifth-avenue-citta-fantasma-presto-anche-in-italia/ on Sun, 16 Aug 2020 07:04:00 +0000.