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New York stops vaccination and mask obligations. When us?

Finally, New Yorkers and tourists visiting the Big Apple will soon be able to enter shops, restaurants, bars and other places without having to show proof of vaccination status.

Mayor Eric Adams is finally lifting his city's obligation to vaccinate customers, one of the most restrictive laws in the country. The standard was first implemented by its predecessor, Bill de Blasio, last year. The new mayor clarified on Monday that there are no plans to remove the vaccination requirements for workers .

Mayor Adams made it clear that the requirement would be lifted on March 7 as long as COVID cases continue to decline.

The NYC indoor mask requirement for all public schools will be lifted on the same day (again, provided there are no unexpected spikes in infections).

Adams noted that more than a million students would return to public schools on Monday after the February break. According to the mayor, if students can mix this week without creating "unexpected spikes" in infections, it would essentially confirm that mask warrants are no longer needed.

"The numbers in New York City continue to drop day by day, so as long as COVID indicators show a low level of risk and we see no surprises this week, on Monday, March 7 we will also be raising the requirements of Key2NYC (i.e., mask and vaccination requirements). ”Announced Adams. "This will give business owners time to adapt and will allow us to ensure that we are making the best public health decisions for the people of New York."

Considering the application of the vaccine passport, first adopted in late summer 2021, it is worth noting that it has not always been applied, but theoretically still applies to all indoor dining places.

Adams, who is seen far more in favor of returning to normal than his predecessor, Mayor de Blasio, hinted that he was eagerly awaiting the end of the vaccine passport rule during an economic development press conference on Wednesday.

Now we are left alone with useless vaccination passports and obligations at work and in public places, which, among other things, seriously damage the economy. When will they be removed? Why don't Speranza and the CTS go to carry out their useful work in Ukraine?

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The New York article stops vaccination and mask obligations. We when? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/new-york-ferma-obblighi-vaccinali-e-di-mascherine-noi-quando/ on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 10:00:43 +0000.