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No beer, only wine: preventing Covid-19, study indicates the best alcoholic drink

What is the alcoholic drink that best prevents Covid-19? In China, someone has bothered to do scientific research on this, and the results are surprising.

The researchers, from Shenzhen Kangning Hospital and Southwest Hospital , looked at 473,957 subjects with a mean age of 69 from the UK biobank database, including 16,559 Covid-positive individuals. They divided them into groups by alcohol consumption status (non-drinker, former drinker, and current drinker) and by frequency of alcohol consumption (less than three times a week, more than three times a week, and never).

The current UK guidelines – fewer than 14 units per week, with a glass of wine counting as 1.5 units and a low-strength pint as two units – have been adopted by scientists as a benchmark. The results were summarized as follows:

COVID-19 risk appears to vary between different subtypes, frequency and quantity of alcoholic beverages. Red wine, white wine and champagne have the potential to reduce the risk of COVID-19. The consumption of beer, cider and alcohol and the consumption of alcohol are not recommended during outbreaks. Public health guidelines should focus on reducing the risk of COVID-19 by supporting healthy lifestyle habits and preferential policies among beer, cider and alcohol consumers.

These are ex post surveys, of a statistical nature, so it would be necessary to investigate why certain alcoholic beverages are better protected than others, even if in general limited use is better than excessive one. The cause could be socio-economic factors. So drink a little, but well. Maybe, as Gaber said, "Barbera and Champagne"

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The article No beer, only Wine: preventing Covid-19, study indicates the best alcoholic drink comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/niente-birra-solo-vino-prevenire-il-covid-19-studio-indica-la-migliore-bevanda-alcolica/ on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:35:24 +0000.