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NO black friday. Can made in Italy escape the fashion of crazy discounts?

NO black friday

No black friday. If small artisan or niche businesses rebel against the super discount system, are they good or bad?

There is not only the ethics linked to the promises of the square adhering to the green dream that go up in smoke with every purchase of goods from the other side of the world. Nor is there only the ethical question linked to the damage discharged on those who pay the below cost on their own skin.
There is also an entrepreneurial and commercial ethic that considers the work produced along the entire supply chain, an accumulation of value which, if placed on the black Friday gallows, would be diminished.

NO black friday, why?

A couple of days ago I came across this ad on Instagram

NO black friday, appeal of Italian companies

So, NO black friday or yes black friday?

The most critics may object that those who do not adhere to market initiatives pose themselves in an anachronistic way. That those who do not adapt do not survive, because they are unable to stay on the market.
But what market is it that demands, even if one week a year, discounts of 40%, 60%?
And above all, what work ethic is that which sees not only cutting one's profits, but in the case of artisans, also a large part of the return from production costs?

So the Italian companies that say NO black friday , are they right or wrong?
The word is up to readers, indeed consumers.

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The item NO black friday. Can made in Italy escape the fashion of crazy discounts? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/no-black-friday-il-made-in-italy-puo-sottrarsi-alla-moda-degli-sconti-pazzi/ on Wed, 25 Nov 2020 08:57:45 +0000.