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No weapons and cannabis or marijuana even if legal. Word of the federal agency ATF

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the US office that deals with federal gun regulation, warned in a Tuesday notice that Minnesota residents who use marijuana cannot legally own guns firearms despite the recent legalization of cannabis for recreational use.

According to the St. Paul office of the ATF, because marijuana is still federally illegal, people who smoke weed or take marijuana edibles are “ still federally defined as 'illegal users' of a controlled substance ” and therefore “may not ship, transport, receive or possess firearms or ammunition”. So no guns for weed, whatever the state law.

“Until marijuana is federally legalized, firearm owners and keepers should be aware that it remains illegal to mix marijuana with firearms and ammunition ,” said the ATF special agent based at St Louis. For heaven's sake, even if it were legal to link the use of weapons and soft drugs, it doesn't seem like a particularly wise move…

The ATF's warning is troubling for Second Amendment rights advocate Rob Doar, vice chair of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. He said he has long been aware of the contradiction between the state and the federal government regarding cannabis, both for medical and recreational use.

Doar urges gun owners to be aware of the risks, even though sheriffs can't deny someone a permit to carry a gun just because they're enrolled in the medical cannabis program or because they're an adult, under new Minnesota law who uses marijuana. -CBS News

“I think if they [ATF agents] weren't going to enforce it, they might have let it go and it would have been sort of like saying yes, it's illegal, but like other federal prohibition on cannabis, don't we will enforce ,” Doar said, adding, “ The fact that they sent the notice is cause for some raised eyebrows.”

During the Obama years, the Justice Department issued guidance advising not to interfere in states that had legalized marijuana, as long as it did not interfere with federal law enforcement priorities. The guidance was rescinded by former US Attorney General Jeff Sessions during the Trump administration.

The fact that state and federal laws diverge on the use of soft drugs causes legal chaos: for example, banks hardly open current accounts at shops, even legitimate ones, linked to cannabis because federal agents can seize the funds anyway.

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The article No weapons and cannabis or marijuana even if legal. Word of the federal agency ATF comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/niente-armi-e-cannabis-o-marijuana-anche-se-legale-parola-dellagenzia-federale-atf/ on Sun, 04 Jun 2023 16:42:47 +0000.