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Not even China escapes the Delta (the new one?)

According to news released by the Chinese National Health Commission on Sunday, the 31 Chinese provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) have reported 43 new confirmed cases of coronavirus. Among them are 26 light cases and 17 imported cases. In total, 564 active cases were confirmed, of which 13 serious, with an increase of 6 cases compared to the previous day.

Chinese National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng said at a news conference that since October 17, China has witnessed the spread of a series of local epidemics, which show a rapid development trend, and have spread to 11 provinces around the world. inside one week. . He said most of the infected people have interregional travel activities and the risk of further spread of the outbreak is still increasing.

According to Pang Xinghuo, Deputy Director of the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing added 5 new confirmed cases of new local coronary pneumonia related to Beijing and 1 case of asymptomatic infection of new local coronary pneumonia associated with outside Beijing.

The analysis of the new contagion strains indicates that the Delta variant is spreading, much more contagious than the previous ones and which does not seem to be held back by the vaccine used by Chinese doctors. After all, if not, with over 80% of the population vaccinated, what should we worry about? After all, the vaccine stops the infection, doesn't it? In the meantime, however, a return of Covid could worsen the already broken international logistic situation.

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The article Not even China escapes the Delta (the new one?) Comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/neanche-la-cina-sfugge-alla-delta-quella-nuova/ on Mon, 25 Oct 2021 06:00:43 +0000.