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Economic Scenarios

Not to forget: absolute poverty in Italy and the “Salvific” effect of the Monti government


The modern mass media want us to forget the past, even the recent one. Erase the memory of what disastrous ruling classes have done in the last thirty years, unable and manipulated from the outside. Instead we have to remember, everything.

Thanks to Istat and Canale Sovranista we remind you of the trend of absolute poverty, the real one, when you don't have the money to buy subsistence goods. Here is the relative graph from 2005

The graph differentiates individuals and families, allowing us to see how families with more people are now affected, while in the early 2000s poverty was a much more lonely problem. We also clearly see the Monti government's contribution to poverty, which has increased as never before in its two years of government. Yet the "Senator" Monti is always interviewed, on his knees, by the mass media, such as Corriere, ready to take his suggestions. Useful, perhaps, to create new poverty.

It must be said that poverty has not declined at all during the years of the Renzi government, and then it has had its last push from the lockdown, with tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of businesses that have closed. now we have the final blow, the energy crisis. What will remain of our economy. Will we always rely on a bankrupt bureaucratic class in the future? Will we ever be able to recover some of our well-being?

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The article Not to forget: absolute poverty in Italy and the "Salvific" effect of the Monti government comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/per-non-dimenticare-la-poverta-assoluta-in-italia-e-leffetto-salvifico-del-governo-monti/ on Tue, 12 Jul 2022 10:30:17 +0000.