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Nuclear War: the city of New York releases videos with instructions to citizens on what to do in the event of an atomic attack

A disturbing video explaining what to do in the event of a nuclear attack was made by officials from the New York City Emergency Services. The video comes after Putin's threats about Russia's ability to react on a nuclear level should it feel in grave danger. Here is the video

The public service announcement advises locals to follow three steps:

  • enter a house or building,
  • stay indoors, change clothes after the explosion, clean to remove radioactive dust;
  • stay tuned to sources of information.

The likelihood of a nuclear bomb falling is "very low," but it's important that the inhabitants of the Big Apple know what to do, the city's Emergency Management Department said today.

In the footage, a city spokeswoman on a New York street says, “There was a nuclear attack. Don't ask me how or why. Just know that the big one hit. OK. So, what do we do? ". There are three important steps I want you to remember. First step: enter the house, quickly. You, your friends, your family, come into the house. And no, staying in the car is not an option. You have to enter a building and move away from the windows ”.

She goes on to tell people to stay inside, close all doors and windows and go to a basement, if they have one, or sit in the center of the building.

People who were outside during the explosion are advised to clean up immediately and remove and pack all outer clothing to remove radioactive dust.

This video is disturbing and indicates the real level of risk we are experiencing

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The article Nuclear War: the city of New York releases videos with instructions to citizens on what to do in the event of an atomic attack comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/guerra-nucleare-la-citta-di-new-york-diffonde-video-con-le-istruzioni-ai-cittadini-su-cosa-fare-in-caso-di-attacco-atomico/ on Tue, 12 Jul 2022 11:30:39 +0000.