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Obama and Trump’s doctor: “Why doesn’t anyone test Biden’s cognitive abilities?”

Congressman Ronny Jackson, the former White House doctor during the Obama and Trump presidencies, said on Wednesday that the reason Joe Biden avoided the cognitive tests was because he would "fail miserably" and his team "did not. he did it because they know, if they do, you don't ask questions you don't want answers to. "

Appearing on Newsmax, Jackson described Biden's latest health report as "s and the superficial pages ".

“Honestly, there were six pages of stuff that most people don't care about,” Jackson said, adding, “ I mean, you know, Dr. O'Connor spent six pages dealing with like an occasional cough and a little bit. stiffening and the like, when the elephant in the room was the president's cognitive ability ”.

Jackson continued: " More than 50% of the citizens of this country do not believe that he is cognitively fit to be our commander in chief and our head of state, yet this problem has never been addressed ."

We set a precedent when I was President Trump. I did, "Jackson explained, further noting," The far left and mainstream media have been relentless in their persecution of me for asking me to evaluate not only his physical abilities, but also his mental abilities, which we've already done this – we've done a cognitive test. As for me, we have created the precedent. And he should have made one too “.

Jackson added that “ if anyone needs a cognitive test, that's the president we have right now. And I was really surprised to see that there was no mention of this topic in the report “.

The Texas congressman pointed out that Biden's team " knows that if he was given a cognitive test, he would fail miserably, and so they would have to explain why in some way ."

" Dr. O'Connor should have done what I had to do every time I informed about President Trump's state, standing up in front of the press to explain his physical condition . I was there for an hour and 15 minutes answering every single question the press had asked about his physique. What have we got instead? We just got a six page report and this is the end. We should just go ahead and play as if everything is fine now ”.

On the other hand, no one asks whether Biden is truly intellectually capable of carrying out his task. Who knows why.

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The article The doctor of Obama and Trump: "Why does no one test Biden's cognitive abilities?" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-medico-di-obama-e-di-trump-perche-nessuno-testa-le-capacita-cognitive-di-biden/ on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 08:00:16 +0000.