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Economic Scenarios

Omicron: The first official Danish data tells us that it is a problem, but NOT for mortality

A European health authority has collected the first data on the incidence of the Omicron variant in the old continent, revealing very interesting information, which on the one hand cause relief, on the other hand will create problems in a small group of people, but let's move on.

The data are official and mostly come from the report, updated to 17/12, by the Danish health authorities . So these are recent data even if, given the speed of diffusion of Omicron, they could be partially exceeded.

Impressive is its speed of diffusion: practically from zero to 26% of the total in less than three weeks, as can be seen from this table.

Clearly, the percentage will have risen by now. We are not mistaken if we say that the latest acceleration of cases is due to Omicron

The acceleration coincides with that of Omicron. But there is a positive side: deaths and hospitalizations have not increased, on the contrary …

hospitalizations are on the rise, but at a slower rate than Omicron's development, and more importantly, the growth in severe cases has remained near-stable. The deaths were few, stable, even slightly decreasing (14 on 1 December, 8 on 20 December).

So Omicron's impressive growth has not caused death or serious hospitalization problems so far. the cases are obviously light.

But now the, let's say, negative aspects. The first is general: the Omicron variant affects younger subjects, with the highest incidence in the 29-50 year old class.

Now the revelation that it will be more problematic… but for super-vaccinists. The incidence is higher in the vaccinated, or rather Omicron strikes in a perfectly independent way, or almost, compared to the vaccination.

We consider that 82% of the Danish population is partially or totally vaccinated against Covid-19 in Denmark. If we add up the cases of people affected by vaccinated omicron, these constitute 91% of the total cases. Thus, statistically, albeit slightly, vaccinated have a slightly higher chance of being infected with covid-19 than unvaccinated. The difference is probably due to the age groups, as we have already said before. This percentage is much lower for the others

Now do you understand why Omicron will be a problem? Given that it is destined to spread very quickly, who will go to explain that the authoritative vaccination forcing was useless, and thus the imposition of the various vaccination passports? Here is the real danger is this …

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The Omicron article : the first official Danish data tell us that it is a problem, but NOT for mortality comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/omicron-i-primi-dati-ufficiali-danesi-ci-dicono-che-e-un-problema-ma-non-per-la-mortalita/ on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:41:29 +0000.