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On the falling birth rate, don’t worry: once Italy is defeated, you will make “other” Italians

The news of the impending demographic winter on the country went around all the more secular and progressive newsrooms of the bigoncio and sent them into fibrillation. For a sort of unthinking Pavlovian reflex, our big journals of reference have whimpered: my goodness, what are we going to do now? Which – for twenty-four carat anti-fascists – is already a species. At least when one considers that the marked sensitivity for the reproductive instinct of the natives, and for the generous fertility of the compatriots, stinks so much of the "right"; and brings back to the times when the children of the she-wolf had to donate children to the Fatherland. So, to be alarmed, from the left, because no babies are born is already laughable in itself.

But the matter even makes you mess up if questioned by three precise questions: why are the gentlemen surprised? Why are they scared? Why do they care? Let's start from the first. For what the hell reason, in Italy, something different from what Istat certifies should happen? Why should the birth rate, strangely, increase rather than, consistently, decrease as it does? We come from at least thirty years of neoliberal policies calibrated on the fetish of growth and competitiveness. This has led to more unemployment, more precariousness, and lower wages: all good factors to discourage any couple (equipped with sense) from the desire to have, and support, children and family, betting on the future. And, let us add, all factors that have always been invoked, supported, magnified precisely by the mainstream press.

We also come from at least a decade of "promotional" campaigns fired all round, and to zero, in favor of homosexual relationships, gender dysphoria, and everything smack of gender ideology, lgbtq and who + has + put some. That is, of relationships that are naturally infertile and destined – due to the conservative, reactionary, sovereign nature of Mother Nature – to remain sterile. Well, all the rainbow junk mentioned above is sponsored as well as "facilitated" in every way, and in any form: a) by big capital and multinational finance, now at home in the Belpaese; b) by the European institutions of which Italy is a member; c) from the digital and cathodic tentacles of the octopuses in question.

Let's move on to the second question: why are they scared? At least if it is true, as it is true, that the monothematic and shared obsession of the globalist elites is the overpopulation of the planet (therefore, also of the Boot which is part of that planet); and this starting from the days of the Club of Rome, to arrive at the 2030 agenda of the UN and the Great Reset of the WEF. There are too many of us, as former Minister Cingolani reminded us, who believes the globe was "designed" for just three billion people. So why should the falling Italian birth rate worry us? Let's toast, rather, and increasingly stimulate the salvific trend.

Finally, the last tricky question: why are they concerned about the fact that "Italians", understood as a race, are decreasing if "race" is a term banned by all writings (except the Constitution)? Especially since they already have the solution at home. Indeed, they are bringing it to us. The migratory flows – an unstoppable phenomenon – will help to replace the natives with "foreigners", of any ethnicity and latitude. Then it will be enough to encourage (and "govern" as they say) the entrances to flesh out the Italian seed with the fruitful vigor and the prolific drive of the new arrivals. We seemed to have understood that it is only the soil that "determines" Italian. And then, relax: Italy defeated, you will make "other" Italians.

Francis Carraro


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The article On the falling birth rate, don't worry: once Italy is defeated, you will make "other" Italians comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sulla-denatalita-tranquilli-disfatta-litalia-farete-altri-italiani/ on Sat, 08 Apr 2023 10:48:08 +0000.