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ONE SENSE DEMOCRACY: demonstrations against lockdown banned in Berlin, but counter-demonstrations allowed… ..

There is no longer a judge in Berlin. The city government has decided to ban the demonstrations against the coronavirus lockdown measures that were to be held this weekend, not hesitating to recall thousands of poolmen to disperse those who still show up. The decision caused a certain scandal also because the city authorities and the Senate of the Lander instead authorized the counter- demonstrations that some associations were organizing and because they had no problem in authorizing a BLM demonstration with 15 thousand participants.

Sunday's march had already had over 17,000 adhesions, including libertarian, skeptical, no-vax and some right-wing groups. A demonstration on August 1 was held without incident, but had seen many demonstrators violating the distancing rules in a blatant way to show their dissent. The interior minister of Berlin, Andreas Geisel, spoke of a decision "Not against democracy, but for health", but it is a point of view that is difficult to justify given that, at the same time, demonstrations are authorized which, potentially , they differ only in political color.

In short, even in Germany democracy and freedom are progressively becoming "one-way". We are democratic ONLY IF we act in a certain way, if we say a certain thing. Dissent is not tolerated and, objectively, is repressed, even with strong manners. Otherwise it would be necessary to admit that the virus affects only if we rally for the right: if we take to the streets for BLM, or for the rights of the Arctic penguins (which are not there …) or for any other "Cosmetic right", that doesn't go against the will of the mainstream, then everything is fine. Even the preventive ban is absurd and gives rise to a state of psychopolice. A democracy completely addicted and tamed to power, therefore a non-democracy. AfD is the only party that will protest against the decision of the Berlin Lander… and this speaks volumes about the state of democracy in Europe.

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The article ONE SENSE DEMOCRACY: demonstrations against lockdown banned in Berlin, but counter-demonstrations allowed… .. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/democrazia-a-senso-unico-a-berlino-vietate-le-manifestazioni-contro-il-lockdown-ma-permesse-le-contromanifestazioni/ on Thu, 27 Aug 2020 08:04:38 +0000.