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OPEN LETTER from building builders against Draghi: let’s save the Ecobonus 110%

Mario Draghi's exit to the Strasbourg Parliament against 100%, which he clearly said against because it would have caused prices to rise, was not taken well by the construction world and with some reason. The facilitated restructuring was making it possible to relaunch a gasping sector, like half the Italian economy, despite the penalties already imposed by the government. In any case, it is a question of necessary restructuring, if we do not want the word “Green” to be just an empty term to be used in speeches, but which citizens often cannot afford. As we pointed out at the time, it is true that there have been increases in the costs of restructuring activities, but these are due to a bad design of the bonus itself which concentrates the demand in a very short period, and can be solved by "spreading" the questions on more years and quoting them, lowering and distributing the commitment for construction companies over time and lowering the peaks in demand for materials. All solutions which, being logical, are not applied.

The National Association of Building Constructors, Abruzzo area, sent an open letter to the Prime Minister that we want to report to you:

Ill.mo Dr. Prof. Mario Draghi President of the Council of Ministers
[email protected]

Subject: Open letter in response to the statement by the President of the Council of Ministers: "We are against the superbonus", expressed in Strasbourg during the plenary session of the European Parliament on May 3, reported by the main newspapers

Dear Mr. President,
we communicate our dismay and our concern about the statements you made in your speech in Strasbourg, on the subject of SUPERBONUS. You have expressed a general opposition to a provision which, although it can be optimized, has already given ample proof of being a driving force for the recovery of the construction sector, for the related industries, and, above all to quickly stimulate the growth of the country, in a phase in which, unfortunately, the public works sector still suffers very serious delays, of various levels, which do not allow the transformation of resources into construction sites, in good time, putting at risk, among other things, the very departure of the PNRR.
The data on the use of tax measures for restructuring, after just over a year from their introduction, with subsequent fine-tuning of the procedures, have shown an extraordinary value: the monitoring, by ENEA and the Ministry of Ecological Transition, at March 31, 2022, certifies a boom of over 139,000 construction sites for 24 billion euros of investments admitted as a deduction.
The extraordinary figure of the completed works shows a value of over 16 billion: we are talking about over 1% of GDP, 4% with related sectors.

In Abruzzo, as at 31 March, 3,667 interventions were recorded with 824 million euros of works admitted as deductions and 526 million euros of investments for completed works. Entering into the merits of your declaration, the topic you mentioned about the rising costs of the work is not clear as, as is known, the same are certified by the technicians on the basis of the public price lists of the reference regions.

In this regard, if anything, we would have expected a different indication, aimed at recognizing the use only of the price lists of the public works of the regions, without admitting those of a "private" nature of the publishing houses. As regards, instead, the increase in the costs of materials, this is a phenomenon that was detected even before the introduction of the SUPERBONUS, triggered, among other things, by international dynamics, in the context of the recovery of the post-pandemic market, in a a context that sees our country as a major importer.
The scarcity of natural resources and raw materials on the national territory on the one hand, and the prevalence of small-sized enterprises on the other, make the Italian industry highly vulnerable to situations of tension on prices, scarcity of material, price volatility and widespread uncertainty that increasingly characterize international markets. (cit. MISE – Strategic Observatory on raw materials, 2008)
In this regard, I also cite the seminar, participated by MISE "Raw materials in Italy and for Italy: what trends?", Of November 3, 2020, held as part of Ecomondo 2020, as it was an opportunity for analysis the trend of raw (and secondary) materials in Italy from the point of view of production, circularity and imports, with further evidence of our country's dependence on foreign countries for the purchase of some of the main building materials, including , I mention iron and bio materials.
These considerations, which do not console us, represent, in our opinion, useful indicators to give a more comprehensive reading of the phenomenon, in order to identify the most appropriate intervention strategies to calm the market.
As ANCE, since the first phase of concrete application of the SUPERBONUS, in expressing great appreciation for these tax incentive measures, we have, at the same time, reported the major critical issues to be overcome, in the spirit of loyal collaboration, in order not to debase the potential of the provision and to ensure the highest levels of effectiveness, to contribute to the correct sizing of the market, to be addressed according to criteria of quality and reliability, as well as legality.
We were among the first to report the explosion in prices, with a shortage of materials and equipment, the lack of manpower, technicians, available companies, compared to a market demand that exceeded all availability, we highlighted the weak aspects that have slowed down the train, without forgetting the problems and delays caused by the spread of the pandemic. We are the bearers of concrete proposals for the development of the SUPERBONUS and we propose them with increasing conviction, also to counter any hasty and inconsistent solutions on the subject.
It is necessary to intervene as a priority on the temporal criterion, with immediate effects on the reduction of the concentration of demand, in order to guarantee planning of industrial investments, stabilization of
recruitment in the various sectors of the supply chain, suitable production and supply of
materials and work tools,
safety conditions on construction sites e
quality of the work, as well as the correct planning of interventions by
A period of application of at least a decade must be guaranteed by inserting, if necessary, an annual ceiling of "only" 15 billion and with works to be carried out by qualified companies, in order to counteract a proliferation of placing on the market by of improvised operators, without any guarantee of good completion of the works and with the risk of wasting public funds.
Right from the start, it is necessary to review the criterion of progressive decrease in the percentage of subsidies for condominiums, which drops to 70% in 2024 and to 65% in 2025, to avoid, in fact, an end of the works by 2023.
This block would occur due to the foreseeable lack of availability for co-financing in the hands of less well-off condominiums for which, instead, the ISEE income criterion could be inserted, so as not to nullify the scope of a direct measure, at the origin, precisely towards the large real estate complexes where it has always been a mirage to start work, both for the achievement of the will of the assembly and for the lack of economic availability of some.
In the spirit of loyal collaboration, we have suggested to the Government and Parliament, and we are awaiting feedback, that we wish to intervene on the qualification of the operators, in order to allow the execution of the works, valid for tax relief, only to certified companies, so as to concretely affect the reduction of the risk of fraud, at the same time favoring a progressive rebalancing between supply and demand and not mortifying the efforts of the companies which, in the last years of deep crisis, have maintained their qualification in order to remain on the market.
As ANCE, we have also requested and obtained the mandatory introduction of national and territorial collective bargaining for construction, in order to guarantee the best conditions of wages and safety in carrying out the work.
As regards costs, I would also like to point out that the State also falls under the lower income and even achieves a positive balance, in terms of business turnover, with higher payments of IRES and VAT, and for the labor factor.
As part of the investments activated by tax incentives for building renovation and energy requalification in 2021, with 110% leading the way, the balance for the country's economic system is positive for almost 4 billion euros. In general, the system of rules needs to be improved, with the definition of more adequate and clear operational tools to reduce bureaucracy in order to facilitate the start of work and, at the same time, make monitoring and control procedures more accessible and transparent. .
We therefore renew our appeal to devote the utmost attention to improving the SUPERBONUS, removing any temptation to abandon a provision that is now ripe for development, also in compliance with the considerable investment of energy by public and private entities that have laboriously worked on the theme, in various capacities, and planned the future relying on a strategic project not only for the seismic safety, and for the energy efficiency of our ancient building heritage but, above all, as a lever for economic and social recovery .
Thank you for your attention and I greet you with esteem

The manufacturers make obvious observations, which have not been heard so far. Frankly, we wonder how the parties will be able to ignore them less than a year after the elections . The GDP will already collapse due to the war and the energy crisis, do we want to make it collapse further by cutting the 110% Bonus? The parties must present themselves to the vote, they do not have the luck of the coronation from above of the current Prime Minister, who, in his august quality of "Anointed by the Lord" can afford to do what he wants. They, to vote, must go there.

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The article OPEN LETTER by building builders against Draghi: let's save the Ecobonus 110% comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lettera-aperta-dei-costruttori-edili-contro-draghi-salviamo-il-110/ on Wed, 04 May 2022 12:45:19 +0000.