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Ops: Biden also “avoided” taxes

Yesterday, the New York Times attacked Trump because, for many years, he would not pay taxes using the reliefs granted to American citizens for investments and expenses. But even the Democrats don't particularly like paying taxes …

Joe and Jill Biden took advantage of the payroll tax loophole linked to the so-called "S corporation," "Company S," an elusive form that the Obama-Biden administration has unsuccessfully attempted to close.

According to the report, the Bidens routed the proceeds of book sales and speeches through the "S companies" – avoiding the 3.8% self-employment tax they would have paid if they were compensated directly and avoiding up to $ 500,000 in cash. taxes.

“There is no reason these are in an S corp, none, except to save on self-employment taxes,” accountant Tony Nitti told the WSJ at the time.

And as Chris Jacobs of the Journal wrote last month, “According to the Urban Institute, a couple of high-income, middle-earners who retire this year will have paid a total of $ 209,000 in Medicare taxes during their working life ".

"The Bidens in two years the Biden family has avoided paying almost double the medical tax than any other wealthy couple."

Recall that the Bidens are not workers, but collect about 15 million dollars a year in the form of copyright on their books and fees for participation in conferences, all well paid….

But the bad tax evader is Trump …

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The article Ops: Biden also "avoided" taxes comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ops-anche-biden-ha-evitato-le-tasse/ on Mon, 28 Sep 2020 21:43:15 +0000.