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Oregon: The National Guard has to help hospitals, yet 56% of the population is vaccinated

Oregon Governor Kate Brown transferred 500 National Guard members to hospital care as a result of increased cases of hospitalization for covid-19. The military will deal with logistical and general assistance issues, relieving the burden on medical personnel a little.

Oregon has followed with attention the vaccination campaign, so much so that one of the US states with the highest number of inoculated people, more than 56%. For example, New York, perhaps the state that has had the most cases possible, has 58% vaccinated.

Yet it is true that Covid cases are exploding in Oregon,

The number of admitted to emergency rooms has also increased very rapidly, although admitted for covid-19 in hospitals is, however, a limited percentage of the total.

While it is not a matter of life and death, there is no doubt that the Oregon hospital system is under pressure. There are 733 people hospitalized and 7 dead, in a state that has about 4.4 million inhabitants.

Something is wrong: the number of vaccinated people is increasing, but hospitalizations and positive cases are also increasing, the latter very quickly. The state has now set itself the goal of reaching 80% of the population vaccinated, which is not an easy result, given that there are fewer and fewer people to be vaccinated. Furthermore, these data are consistent with those showing a reduced coverage of mRNA vaccines in the face of the new variants, so it will be even more difficult to convince the public.

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The Oregon article : the National Guard must help hospitals, yet 56% of the population is vaccinated comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/oregon-la-guardia-nazionale-deve-aiutare-gli-ospedali-eppure-il-56-della-popolazione-e-vaccinata/ on Sun, 15 Aug 2021 06:00:53 +0000.