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Pensions: yes at 104, but with a price

Early retirement has a price . It is paid with a part of the pension itself. Those who intend to adopt the "quota 104" option to stop working at 63 will have to give up 12% of their salary pension, calculated on contributions paid before 1996 and theoretically until 2012. This is reported in the minutes of the Council of Ministers n. 55 and taken up by ItaliaOggi .

This measure is part of the draft Budget 2024 which concerns pensions and exit flexibility, i.e. the methods for early retirement. The current rules, such as the Social Ape, the women's option and the 104 quota, will be confirmed with significant restrictions. However, the draft Maneuver does not mention the so-called Maroni bonus for those who do not opt ​​for early retirement, i.e. the possibility of collecting the share of contributions in the paycheck, which corresponds to 9.19% and is borne by the worker.

The Social Bee will see a five-month increase in age, bringing it to 63 years and 5 months in 2024 . This measure allows those who are in situations of economic and social hardship to retire early, with a maximum monthly subsidy of 1,500 euros paid by the State. However, the news for next year is that the Ape will not be cumulative with income deriving from self-employed or employed work, with the exception of that deriving from occasional self-employment up to 5,000 euros gross per year.

The women's option will increase by one year for retirement in 2024. It will only be possible to take advantage of it for female caregiver workers, with a disability greater than 74%, for those who have been laid off or who depend on companies in crisis. The “quota 104” measure will be subjected to the most severe restrictions, with an increase of one year in the age requirement and three months of extra waiting for the first pension. Furthermore, a cut is expected in the pension portion calculated with the "salary rule" in proportion to the years ahead of the retirement age.

It is important to note that not all of the pension will be cut, but only that calculated on contributions paid before 1996 and up to 2012, when the Fornero reform repealed the salary rule. However, for some categories of workers, such as those in the former local authority funds, health workers, teachers and bailiffs, there could be a further reduction in the salary portion of the pension due to the remodulation of the "performance rates" established in the same draft Budget 2024 .

So pension rights are maintained, but at a price.

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The article Pensions: yes at 104, but with a price comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/pensioni-si-a-quota-104-ma-con-un-prezzo/ on Wed, 25 Oct 2023 08:30:45 +0000.