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Economic Scenarios

People are less stupid than elites think: the FAUCI case

Do you want to tangibly touch the separation between an elite that believes itself to be enlightened, but is only corrupt, and ordinary people? Check out Rotten Tomatoes reviews on the incensor documentary “Jaws”.

For those unfamiliar with it, Rotten Tomatoes is an aggregator of criticisms on TV and Film that is also very popular in Italy. The reviews are divided between those of the critics and those of the public, the former indicated with a tomato (Red for the good and rotten green for the bad) the latter by popcorn.

Here is how the documentary "Fauci", screened in selected theaters and distributed online by Disney, was judged by critics and audiences :

The fracture is evident: professional critics, people who write in the online or print press, have woven the most rave praises, but the common viewer did not like it. The first criticisms from the public must have been so bad that, for a few days, none appeared, so much so that the site was accused of hiding the opinions of the popular.

People have judged it for what it is: a propaganda film and not a documentary. If you think this is a Rotten Tomatoes problem, look at the trailer scores on Youtube: just over 1100 likes versus 21,000 odd dislike

Once it was said "Vox populi, Vox Dei" and the people know how to distinguish deceptions in the long run. It may take time, but the truth comes out, and a bad movie remains a bad movie. If the public, and not the money of the state and political sponsors, really counted for something, who knows what would remain of Italian TV programming …

Even at the cinema or on TV, now the "Illuminati" cannot impose their ideas without a blow …

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The article People are less stupid than the elites think: the FAUCI case comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-gente-e-meno-stupida-di-quanto-pensino-le-elite-il-caso-fauci/ on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 08:00:47 +0000.