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Pfizer chooses Genoa for study on side effects. So are there any?

GENOA – The multinational Pfizer-Biontech has chosen Genoa, the only city in Italy, for a study on anti-covid vaccines. Hiring volunteers.

So after more than a year, and after having vaccinated everything and more, by hook and by crook, the study on the side effects of administering vaccines starts. "Take it easy" we would like to say. But they would reply: "What could we do, there was a hurry and the macaques are protected by the WWF". Right. "But didn't you say there were no side effects?" we would object. But they would reply: “And what did we know? There was a hurry and the macaques etc etc… We tried, in short, at your own risk of course ”.

Ordunque Pfizer will soon have its reliable data on side effects, finally. At the modest cost of 171 euros per guinea pig. Thank you all for your cooperation.

This is the article from Ansa.it:

Three countries are involved, 20 research centers among which the only Italian is the one directed by Professor Giancarlo Icardi, director of the Hygiene Department of the San Martino Polyclinic.

The survey, as reported by the local edition of Repubblica, will involve 13,000 people around the world. 150 volunteers have already joined in Genoa. In practice, those participating in the research will have to respond to some tests on the state of health within two years after the administration of the two doses of vaccine.

Questionnaires will initially be distributed at weeks one, two, four, six and eight after the first and second doses and then every three months until the study is completed. Those who participate in the project will receive a total remuneration of 171 euros.

“The purpose of this study – explained Icardi – is to acquire more information on the effects of Cominarty in the context of the real world. It is a very important study because it is observational4 and is coordinated by the Higher Institute of Health ”.

Unlike passive surveillance "this study – continues the professor – consists of active surveillance, in which the subject is also invited to report any event he notices, both those that are foreseeable side effects, already reported in the vaccine data sheet, or any other symptom ". At the end of the study, the data will be analyzed to isolate any actual connections between manifestations and administration of the vaccine.


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Pfizer article chooses Genoa for study on side effects. So are there any? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/pfizer-sceglie-genova-per-studio-su-effetti-collaterali-quindi-ce-ne-sono/ on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 15:45:07 +0000.