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Pfizer: other documents released by the FDA on adverse effects through February

With the dropper, as expected, the FDA is releasing the documents on the adverse effects communicated by Pfizer until February 28, 2021, that is, in the very early stages of vaccination. As usual, this document will be made available to all readers, a small "Christmas present" that we will attach today to our Telegram channel. Here we will publish some short excerpts and we will see, if possible, to also attach some links

Here is the title:

Cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse effects received up to February 28, 2021. Here is the title of the document.

Here is the list of contents:

The following table presents a classification already seen of the adverse effects already examined. We note that out of the 42,000 adverse effects, as many as 29,000 affect women.

Here is a table that takes into account all adverse effects with an incidence greater than 2% of total cases, categorizing them

Let's see how most of the adverse effects are linked to flu-like phenomena, such as fever, pain etc. We have almost 5% of the adverse effects that covid-19 has had as a consequence. 2.6% of the adverse effects were related to tachycardia. 11.3% had muscle pains, 24.3% but head pain. 4.9% dyspnea, i.e. respiratory problems.

Since there has been much talk of the effects on the circulatory system, here is the specific category on this medical problem which includes problems with white blood cells (leukopenia), platelets (thrombocytopenia), haemorgic problems. In total we are talking about 2.2 of the total adverse effects, of which 37 cases in Italy

Another much discussed topic is that of diseases related to the cardiovascular system, from myocarditis to heart attacks. In this case we are talking about 3.3% of the adverse effects, 1403 cases, of which 136 with a fatal result.

Incomplete data include those relating to adverse effects on pregnant and lactating women. These were 413 (0.98% of the total) with 84 serious and 329 mild adverse effects. There is no certain reference on the number of women in this situation treated, which makes the case significant.

Also interesting is a fact that nobody treats: how many cases of medical errors related to the vaccine have been? An indicative figure also because it highlights the preparation of the vaccination staff and their attention. Medical errors were not few, being equal to 4.9% of adverse cases, equal to 2056 cases. The worrying thing is that there have been 7 deaths linked to these errors. In Italy the errors detected, as of February 28, were 45

The report then continues along the lines of the previously disclosed data. It is not clear why the FDA took 70 years to disclose them. Why not increase trust with a true transparency operation?

And now the Link: we put the file into a drive. Perhaps, looking at it, remember that we are not funded by any faction or party. We don't get publishing funds, like newspapers, or TV funding. Just a little advertising, limited, because we are outside the Google circuit, and a few small offers through our Paypal at [email protected]. Anyway here is the link . You can consult the entire report here.

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The Pfizer article : other documents released by the FDA on adverse effects up to February comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/pfizer-altri-documenti-resi-noti-dalla-fda-sugli-effetti-avversi-sino-a-febbraio/ on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:00:49 +0000.