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Poland will choose Westinghouse for nuclear power, not the French….

Poland is likely to choose US company W estinghouse Electric Co. to build its first nuclear power plant, while Korea Hydro Nuclear Power (KHNP) could be involved in a project planned by private companies, the Polish Deputy Prime Minister said Wednesday.

Poland is looking for partners to build 6-9 gigawatts (GW) of nuclear capacity in the country and provide 49% equity financing for the project, while Warsaw moves to reduce carbon emissions and gradually move away from coal, even in between. to the energy crisis caused by the Russian gas cut.

" There is no decision yet, but … there are many indications that it will be the American Westinghouse ," said Jacek Sasin, referring to the choice of technology for the first nuclear power plant consisting of three reactors.

Westinghouse is competing with South Korean state company KHNP, which submitted a bid in April. Warsaw has also talked about the project with French companies, but these are evidently not currently considered reliable or, more simply, Paris is not considered a politically reliable partner. Because it is obvious that behind this type of large contracts there are also political decisions.

Last month, after a meeting with the US ambassador to Poland and a local Westinghouse representative, the Polish climate ministry said it had received an offer from the United States on how to help build nuclear power projects in Poland.

Local media reported that the largest Polish utility, state-owned PGE and ZE PAK utility, owned by billionaire Zygmunt Solorz, and KHNP are close to signing a letter of intent for the separate construction of a nuclear power plant in Patnow, in Poland, Korean technology will also be deployed in Poland.

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The article Poland will choose Westinghouse for nuclear power, not the French…. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-polonia-scegliera-westinghouse-per-il-nucleare-non-i-francesi/ on Thu, 27 Oct 2022 20:55:39 +0000.