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Pompeo wants the end of the China-only policy. Now Beijing has only Biden and big techs

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has taken a single action, far more devastating than all the protesters did, and one that will put the Biden administration in trouble. Pompeo announced on Saturday that he is now lifting "self-imposed restrictions" on relations between the United States. and Taiwan. In his official statement he said:

Today I announce that I will lift all these self-imposed restrictions. Executive branch agencies should void all "contact guidelines" regarding relations with Taiwan previously issued by the State Department under the authority delegated to the Secretary of State .

this announcement, albeit with great delay, puts an end to the hypocritical "China Only" policy, followed since the seventies and which saw China as a single nation, with two different administrative systems: the CCP communist in the mainland Democrat in Taiwan. This meant that diplomatic relations could only be had with one of the two states, that is, starting from Kissinger, with that of Beijing.

From now on, therefore, the US will no longer consider China as a "One Government"; but as two autonomous and independent governments, fully legitimized. In reality, it is the acknowledgment of a state of affairs that has lasted since 1948.

Pompeo then praised the situation of democracy in Taiwan:

Taiwan is a vibrant democracy and a reliable partner of the United States, yet for several decades the State Department has created complex internal restrictions to regulate the interactions of our diplomats, service members and other officials with their Taiwanese counterparts. The US government has taken these actions unilaterally in an attempt to appease the communist regime in Beijing. Not anymore.

The first US diplomat to visit Taiwan will be the US ambassador to the United Nations. Of course, Beijing spoke of insane provocation and promised a very harsh response.

Now with a simple, logical move Pompeo leaves a problem to solve for Biden:

  • if Biden continues with Pompeo's policy, he will ruin his relationship with Beijing, bringing it back, diplomatically, to the 1970s. Beijing's reaction could also affect the exchange between the two countries. At the same time, fully recognizing Taiwan also means protecting its democracy and its integrity;
  • Biden can bow to Beijing and return to the status quo ante, showing his subjection to the CCP, and thus aligning himself with the entire technological establishment, Amazon in the lead.

So Pompeo truly leaves a bomb in the hands of the next secretary of state. I am convinced that Biden, whose political stature is inversely proportional to his son's economic relations with Beijing, will bend to 90 degrees.

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The Pompeo article wants the end of the China-only policy. Now Beijing has only Biden and the Big tech comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/pompeo-vuole-l-fine-della-politica-della-sola-cina-ora-pechino-ha-solo-biden-e-i-big-tech/ on Sun, 10 Jan 2021 09:00:13 +0000.