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Pope Francis: “The real answer is not other sanctions, other political-military alliances, but another approach”

Pope Francis: “The increase in arms spending to 2% is madness, I was ashamed . The real answer is not other weapons, other sanctions, other political-military alliances, but another approach. I'm talking about a different way of governing the world, not showing your teeth ”.

"It is now clear that good politics cannot come from the culture of power understood as domination and oppression, no, but only from a culture of care, care for the person and their dignity and care for our common home", said Pope Bergoglio receiving in audience the participants in the meeting promoted by the Italian Women's Center.

“Unfortunately, the shameful war we are witnessing proves it negatively. I think for those of you who belong to my generation it is unbearable to see what has happened and is happening in Ukraine. But unfortunately this is the result of the old logic of power that still dominates the so-called geopolitics ”.

The history of the last seventy years proves it – Francis observed -: regional wars have never been lacking, which is why I said that we were in the 'third world war in pieces', a little everywhere, up to this one, which it has a greater dimension and threatens the whole world. But the basic problem is the same – he underlined -: the world continues to be governed as a 'chessboard', where the powerful study the ways to extend dominance to the detriment of others ”.

"The real answer, therefore, are not other weapons, other sanctions, I was ashamed when I read that a group of states have committed themselves to spending 2 percent of GDP on the purchase of weapons as a response to this that is happening," crazy! ”, and again“ other political-military alliances, but another approach, a different way of governing the world, not showing the teeth, a way that is now globalized, and of setting up international relations. The model of treatment is already in place, thank God, but unfortunately it is still subject to that of the economic-technocratic-military power ”.

These as a percentage of the GDP of the various states is the money allocated "for defense". Total NATO a nice 2.65% that will go straight into the pockets of the manufacturers of death, after having been removed from the well-being, even minimal, of the citizens. Weapons that cost billions that will be destroyed in two seconds flat by other weapons of equal power in a tragic game of chess where everyone is armed and to know who wins and who loses six, count the numbers of the dead. The Pope is ashamed of it, of course. But even we in our small way are ashamed of this prevailing idiocy that follows only economic logic pro domo of four puppeteers. Tragic figures are also those who applaud the "war aid" in our parliament. Sending weapons to Ukraine to defend against Russia is like sending painkillers to the neighborhood bully in the ring against Tyson. It is better for someone to prolong the agony. Why show must go on.

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The article Pope Francis: "The real answer are not other sanctions, other political-military alliances, but another approach" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/papa-francesco-la-vera-risposta-non-sono-altre-sanzioni-altre-alleanze-politico-militari-ma-unaltra-impostazione/ on Thu, 24 Mar 2022 19:19:57 +0000.