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Portugal: early elections at the end of January. They can vote, they

The president of Portugal has announced plans to dissolve parliament and hold early elections on January 30th.

The head of state, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa took note of the refusal of the national assembly to approve the government's draft budget for 2022, which had not happened in democratic Portugal.

He said 2022 would be a "decisive year" as Portugal emerges from the pandemic and an "economic and social crisis".

These elections put an end to socialist António Costa's six years of government, a great result considering that his party did not have a majority.

After the 2015 elections, the socialists signed agreements with far-left parties to ensure the approval of the various government programs, but in 2019 this result was not achieved and proceeded on a case-by-case basis.

In this case, however, Costa did not go well: the Communist Party joined the wider Left Bloc in voting against the budget bill, even at the cost of going to early elections.

The problem is simple: the government is weakening parties, such as the communist one, which provide external support. At this point the social and trade union situation requires that the Communists also risk defeat, but pass to tough and decisive opposition.

It was thought that the President of the Republic was leading towards a technocratic government, a Portuguese-style Draghi, but, instead, he preferred to leave room for democracy and make people pay, even at the cost of blocking political life for a few months.

Apart from some adjustments, there shouldn't be any big surprises coming from the voting, apart from a strong growth of the Chega party, a new acquisition of ID, which should win several seats.

In Portugal they are not afraid to vote, even with a provisional budget in peidi. I'm not in Italy …

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The article Portugal: early elections at the end of January. They can vote, they come from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/portogallo-elezioni-anticipate-a-fine-gennaio-loro-possono-votare-loro/ on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 21:52:53 +0000.