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Prehistoric Ecoanxiety and the extinction of the Neanderthal

This is how we went from Neanderthal man to Sapiens man in a very short time. Matteo Brandi tells us about it, after the important scientific discovery of the Republic on Prehistoric Ecoanxiety. Here's what the probable solution to prehistoric climate change was

At some point the Neanderthal man realized that he could no longer go on with gasoline-powered mammoths.

It was Groga, Greta's ancestor, who suggested to her fellow men to abandon fossil fuels (which were then only called fossils) and opt for eco-sustainable caves.

At first Groga was ignored and ostracized. But when the climate went crazy, the green transition became an obligatory choice. So the Neanderthals left the polluting G-class huts.

Yet the climate continued to change: hot summers, cold winters, nothing was understood anymore. However Groga found the solution: if everyone stopped breathing, carbon dioxide emissions would finally be zeroed.

All Neanderthals held their breath for 5 minutes. At the end of the process, the planet was safe. And the extinct Neanderthals.

Observing the scene, it seems there was a Homo Sapiens, who pronounced the first word of the human being: coglioni.

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The article Prehistoric Ecoanxiety and the extinction of the Neanderthal comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lecoansia-preistorica-e-lestinzione-del-neanderthal/ on Wed, 02 Aug 2023 15:46:53 +0000.