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Economic Scenarios

Prison and treatment: adults with a true state would make choices, but Conte’s bureaucrats send us to jail

Does containment work? Are we sure that this is the only way to overcome the Coronavirus crisis? What is the risk connected to the Coronavirus, what are the normal precautions that can be taken while living a normal life, which ones are intrusion into private life and which are such as to destroy an economic and special system?

The video of Trump in which he is healthy and healed thanks to the care of the doctors and the fact that, indeed, it has become negative, the fact that other characters such as Bolsonaro or Berlusconi have recovered, even if they are certainly not of a young age and also having others pathologies, must suggest that there is a risk, but this risk can be faced with a certain optimism because now Covid-19 is no longer an unknown disease. therefore the risk of getting sick is there, and must be approached with caution and measures of personal hygiene and prevention. On the other hand, we are sure that too strict preventive measures will have consequences:

  • they will bring certain economic damage to many productive sectors which literally risk disappearing, with a consequence of hundreds of thousands of bankruptcies;
  • it will lead to permanent damage to the concept of personal freedoms that underlie democracy.

If the first point has an immediate and tangible impact, the second is devastating from a political and moral point of view: what will remain of centuries of political evolution when we accept that a government born of a political mess, without a confirmed base in the country, that governs to the sound of Imperial Decrees written with his feet, illogical and useless. To say that the boom in infections of the last few days is the child of the follies of the summer can only come out of the mouth of a fool: two months have passed since August, this is the virus with the longest incubation in history? It is not, however, that the reopening of the school and the inadequacy of public transport, combined with environmental factors, are causing the boom in infections.

What has the government done in these nine months of setting up hospital wards or intensive care wards, and what has it done? Nothing. what has been done, like the much contested COVID hospital in Milan, has been done by the individual regions. This is also highlighted by OFCS.report which in an article highlights how Arcuri waited until October 8 for a call for intensive care. What was he waiting for? Could the wards explode?

Furthermore, what is known about innovative, albeit experimental, therapies? What is being done? Are monoclonal antibodies available? Is Remdesivir used? Or are we still in Cortisone and Tachipirina as in March. Is the government dealing with various pharmaceutical manufacturers, or has it equipped itself with plants capable of producing monoclonal antibodies under license?

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The article Prison and care: adults with a true state would make choices, but Conte's bureaucrats send us to jail comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-prigione-e-la-cura-persone-adulte-con-uno-stato-vero-farebbero-scelte-ma-i-burocrati-di-conte-ci-mandano-in-galera/ on Thu, 15 Oct 2020 08:37:26 +0000.