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Professional credibility: in the USA politicians and TV journalists are decreasing …

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A new poll found that Americans have a very bad opinion of the ethics and honesty of people who work in the media and politics in the US.

Gallup 's poll on Wednesday found that five of the 22 professions surveyed are at "new lows in the public estimate," showing significant dips in favor over previous annual polls.

TV reporters, for example, have seen their "ethical rating" – that is, those who consider them "highly" ethical and honest – to drop from 23% to 14%, according to Gallup data. The judges also saw a vertical drop in public perceptions of their honesty, dropping five points to 38%. In the US, judges are elected officials.

"Americans are very skeptical of the ethics of elected officials, particularly at the federal level, as well as the media," notes the report.

Reporters, members of the House and Senate, and members of the media score the lowest in the polls. Among these groups, journalists received the highest ratings, with 39% considering them honest and ethical.

It may be low, but it is much higher than the views of congressmen (9%) and lobbyists (5%). Scoring less than 10 points, along with members of Congress and the media, are auto salespeople too, with only 8% considering the profession to be trustworthy. After all, a common saying in the US, and not only, is "Would you buy a car from this man?".

Nurses lead the Gallup honesty and ethics survey, as they have been doing for 20 years, with over 80% saying they consider the profession honest and ethical in the survey. Doctors, military officers, pharmacists and teachers followed, with more than six in 10 Americans viewing people favorably in every profession. It must be said that nurses and doctors have lost the peak of credibility gained during Covid-19

The political stance of respondents played a role in how various professionals, including those related to the media, are perceived. Only 6% of Republicans said TV reporters had high ethics, while that support jumps to 24% among Democrats. The greatest difference in perception between political parties is related to the evaluation of members of the police force, with 71% of Republicans or right-wing respondents considering the profession highly honest and ethical and only 36% of Democrats or respondents of left agrees.

And in Italy, what is the confidence you have in politicians? And in the police? And in the TV reporters? If you want to tell us on telegram!

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The article Professional credibility: declining politicians and TV journalists in the US… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/credibilita-professionale-negli-usa-politici-e-giornalisti-tv-in-calo/ on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 22:28:04 +0000.