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Economic Scenarios

Project Aurora: the BIS plan to entrust artificial intelligence with the control of all global financial transactions

The Bank for International Settlements (also called BIS, Bank of International Settlements), the central bank of central banks, is engaging in multiple projects aimed at centralizing all international banks into a single umbrella network that allows for rapid cross-border transactions using digital currencies thus putting cash out of play.

One such project, dubbed "Project Icebreaker," was specifically about creating a SWIFT-like centralized transaction system that would allow global banks to settle and eventually homogenize all currencies into a single worldwide trading model that would given them the power to exclude any nation or society that did not meet their approval, even on an ideological basis.

BRI's latest brainchild is Project Aurora, which may be even creepier than Icebreaker in its implications. Aurora was designed to use 'machine learning' (AI) as a tool to monitor vast streams of financial transactions from around the world, in order to identify specifically signaled patterns. According to the BIS, the goal is to uncover criminal money laundering structures protected by "money mules". However, for AI to sift through global transactions in real time, banks and governments would need to create streamlined access to accounts and open the door for AI to operate with impunity.

Some banks are already rolling out their own private AI monitoring systems to spot unusual account activity, but Aurora would require international access on a staggeringly greater scale.

Just as the war on drugs has been used as a rationale in the United States and Europe to give governments unlimited access to people's finances; a power that has since been abused in various ways (in some cases accounts may be seized on suspicion of a crime rather than a conviction), Aurora relies on the money laundering bogeyman to give governments and global banks vast surveillance powers. The project's focus on AI is presented as protecting individual privacy, but all AI programs are in the service of their creators. Whoever controls the AI ​​also controls who the AI ​​targets.

The idea of ​​a world-wide AI-integrated banking monitoring system in the hands of the BIS or other globalist institutions is immensely dangerous. One could even imagine a future in which personal accounts are routinely frozen for any infraction, from financial to political.

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The article Project Aurora: the BIS plan to entrust artificial intelligence with the control of all global financial transactions comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/progetto-aurora-il-piano-della-bis-affidare-allintelligenza-artificiale-il-controllo-di-tutte-le-transazioni-finanziarie-mondiali/ on Sat, 03 Jun 2023 17:06:46 +0000.