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Protests: this time Brussels in The Hague. The situation does not normalize

Demonstrations against the lockdown and the obligation to vaccinate continue. Let's start from Belgium where a large group of demonstrators gathered under the commission, surrounded by the usual loving Friesian horses.

A part of the 35,000 protesters turned against the massive police presence during the march in the center of the Belgian capital. The rioters threw fireworks and other objects. Police responded with fire hydrants and tear gas. The burning barricades can be seen on social media. Police vehicles were damaged, but the windows of other cars were also broken.

Violence erupted when crowds arrived in the so-called European quarter, home to the institutions of the European Union. Some of the participants refused to follow the agreed path.

The lockdown measures in Belgium are all in all moderate, since the obligation to exhibit the permit is present only in Parliament.

Currently, the European institutions are surrounded by mobile Friesian horses for fear of demonstrations.

In the Netherlands, the demonstrations have not stopped, but continue in other cities. After a big rally was banned in Amsterdam this time the heart of the protest moved to the capital, The Hague, which is also the third largest city in the country.

Here too there were clashes with the police, and the demonstrators threw fireworks and clashed with the police, but at least there were no exchanges of gunshots. However, interventions were also needed in other smaller cities, such as Groeninger.

All of central and northern Europe is in turmoil in this second winter of the covid which risks being very, very hot.

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The article Protests: this time Brussels in The Hague. The situation does not normalize comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/proteste-questa-volta-bruxelles-a-laja-la-situazione-non-si-normalizza/ on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 21:08:32 +0000.