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Provocative Idea of ​​a US Senator: Vaccination Certificate to Vote !!

Democratic Party lawmakers are pushing the US to use vaccination passes for all public and social functions. In states with the government of Democrats, there are passes to access restaurants, like in New York, and the certificate is mandatory for many public functions, starting with being a member of the armed forces. At the same time, the Dems do not want voters to be identified when they go to vote, with the excuse that "this would limit voting rights". so they identify you for a pizza, but not in the voting booth.

With this in mind, Republican Senator Kevin Cramer of North Dakota presented a bill in which he states that if a state identifies a voter then it can also ask for a vaccination status. Senator Cramer says he wants to emphasize the hypocrisy in Democrats who support vaccine passports but oppose the voter card.

“It seems logical that if you were to show Bill Deblasio something personal and private just to have a steak dinner in New York City, the least he should do is ask people to prove they are who they say they are before facing the all-important responsibility. of the vote, ”says Cramer.

Newly-elected Virginia Attorney General Jason Miayes agrees with the idea. "The standard should be easy to vote on and hard to cheat", "I think we should all have an interest in making sure we trust our electoral system and Voter ID is a very simple and safe way to do that." A dangerous provocation, however: Taken by the mania of asking for vaccination passes everywhere, the DEMs could even accept the proposal! Fortunately, the next elections, the Mid Term ones, are in November, and from here to that date anything can happen with Covid.

Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin, meanwhile, says he will block vaccine passports altogether as soon as he takes office. Recall that the Republican governors of Florida and Texas are strongly opposed to any obligation.

Cramer himself acknowledges that linking vaccination passes and electoral law would be very complex. At the same time it poses the hypocrisy of a politics that wants to identify people even when they have coffee, but not when they perform an essential political act.

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The article Provocative Idea of ​​a US Senator: Vaccination Certificate to Vote !! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/idea-provocatoria-di-un-senatore-usa-certificato-vaccinale-per-votare/ on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 11:00:41 +0000.