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Psychotherapy in the time of Covid

"Today we have a health problem that affects our children and adolescents, and that adds to the epidemic." With these words, French President Macron announced yet another revolutionary initiative of the earth that was the mother of every Revolution: a good psychotherapeutic treatment for children dissatisfied with the lockdown. Because there are, you know. It seems impossible, but there are minors who are so handicapped that they have not appreciated the commendable, timely, lasting closure of every school, gym, swimming pool for months and months in France, and beyond.

Even in Italy there are cases of boys on the verge of a nervous breakdown. How is it possible that the Covid-19 generation – that is the under 19s at the time of the Coronavirus – did not appreciate the civic, historical, let's say ethical implications of the red zone? And science, brooding, questions itself. But it seems that the Lancet magazine is about to publish a scientific study on the subject and, in some Oxford laboratory, some scientists are on the verge of figuring out the damn thing. It's a psychological question, you understand?

This transpires from the scientific study of the subject. The boys of today are not like those of when Eros Ramazzotti sang "the boys of today". Do you know? “We will not stop. We will not tire of looking for our path ”. Here, today the boys stopped because they lack resilience: they are "tired", like Forrest Gump. Science understood this. And so Macron, who is always one step ahead, more than the Berlusca of Ninety-four, has found the recipe: more psychotherapy for all schoolchildren who resist anti-Covid segregationist therapies.

The idea is so brilliant that it can't go to waste. So here's another idea for Von der Layen: let's include the Macron protocol in the Next Generation Eu. After all, the Recovery plan is the stuff of psychoanalysis: for Italy it foresees 69 billion for the "Green" (to the "green", I explained?) And 19 for health. I mean, given the health emergency we're in, it seems written by Psycho's Norman Bates. So, given its configuration as a Freudian couch, does it seem ugly to allocate let's say 10 billion to an organic plan of psychiatric assistance for the political class? In our opinion, no.

If pupils need it, those who need it all the more, in order: 1) invited to eat spring rolls when Covid arrived from China; 2) sent the first infected to residences for the elderly (that is, as if to say: the massacre be with you); 3) advised against autopsies when autopsies served like bread, or perhaps for this very reason; 4) he suggested tachipirina and watchful waiting (of death) for a whole year in the face of a disease that required therapy (rest assured: that diseases require therapy, it says "letting", not no-vax);

5) he first sold all the Italian masks to the Chinese and then bought tarot masks from the Chinese at an insane price; 6) fixed the wheels to the school desks to facilitate the students' escape from the infection, because the contagion runs, you know; 7) he thought about creating a domestic vaccine twelve months after he started saying that a vaccine was needed; 8) has decided to favor the elderly one year after the discovery that the virus kills almost only the elderly; 9) has mandatorily imposed an experimental vaccine on the already most protected (medical) category, waiting to see the effect it has. There really is a whole country to go mad. We begin to treat the most serious.

Francesco Carraro


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The article Psychotherapy at the time of Covid comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-psicoterapia-ai-tempi-del-covid/ on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 07:36:27 +0000.