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Economic Scenarios

Public funding for the press amounts to 386 million euros per year. More than doubled for “Reliable”

In the end, buying Italy is cheap: 386 million euros are enough, nothing for the country with a GDP that, until recently, was close to 1,700 billion. These 386 million euros are public funding for publishing, ie the mainstream newspapers, those who then judge themselves as “Reliable”.

This figure has practically more than doubled since 2019, when it was “Only” 175 million euros by 2021. Cleverly, this is not a single donation, which would have meant too obvious a figure. No, cunningly this money is given in a series of streams such as:

  • 88 million in traditional public funding for newspapers, some of which are frankly semi – clandestine. It takes 933 thousand euros Il Foglio, takes 2.7 million euros Libero (so you understand why certain newspapers change their line …) 481 thousand L'Opviso …
  • 64.5 million indirect support, such as, for example, contributions to schools for the purchase of newspapers, always those, or special contributions for the resolution of corporate crises, such as that of Il Sole 24 ore;
  • for the covid, an extra 232.9 million euros arrived in 2021 in the form of tax credits, which in any case are always money, and which vary from credit card purchases to lump-sum returns to contributions for early retirement of employees.

In reality, it is not clear whether the money for the information campaign on covid-19 has been included or not. However, it is clear that, in the end, with an important figure, but irrelevant to the state budgets, we buy the media. Then do not be surprised if the titles are photocopied and seem, for the most part, like a kind of para – mafia messages from power groups to power groups. But this is the "Official" print, the "Reliable" one. Exactly like the well-trained dog Fido, who brings everyday life into the house …

PS: The state has a fund for the assistance of children with disabilities in schools amounting to 100 million euros. Wouldn't it have been nice if this fund was 480 million, and the print fund was zero? However, children with disabilities do not vote.

PS 2: We do not take a penny from the state. So let's write the truth, at least our vision, not what the MinCulPop wants….

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The article Public funding for the press amounts to 386 million euros per year. More than doubled for the "Reliable" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-finanziamento-pubblico-alla-stampa-e-a-386-milioni-di-euro-annui-piu-che-raddoppiato-per-gli-affidabili/ on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 16:11:06 +0000.