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Real estate investments: eyes on the healthcare sector

Real estate investments: eyes on the healthcare sector

Over the last decade, the real estate sector has shown an increasing predisposition towards investments in healthcare infrastructure . The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the need for efficient and accessible healthcare facilities , bringing to light the vital importance of targeted investments in this sector.

Real estate investors, faced with this new scenario, are reconsidering their strategies, increasingly orienting themselves towards the healthcare sector as a source of sustainable and long-term growth opportunities .

The growing demand for healthcare services, due to an aging population and a greater awareness of health-related issues , is causing healthcare facilities to emerge as key assets in real estate investment portfolios.

The growing demand for healthcare facilities

In recent years, the aging of the world's population, combined with an increasing focus on prevention and health management due to the pandemic, has focused attention on the need to expand and improve existing healthcare infrastructure . This phenomenon does not only concern large metropolises but extends to medium and small-sized cities, making the need for healthcare facilities a transversal constant.

This trend offers real estate investors a unique prospect of portfolio diversification and stable returns, attracting their interest in a period of strong economic uncertainty. Healthcare facilities, from RSAs to specialized clinics, from analysis laboratories to research centers, represent strategic assets capable of generating value in the long term.

Investing in healthcare properties also means contributing to collective well-being , financing the construction and modernization of structures capable of offering quality services.

The role of RSAs

Healthcare Residences (RSAs) represent a fundamental component in the ecosystem of real estate investments in the healthcare sector. These facilities, designed to offer long-term care and assistance , mainly to the elderly, are gaining increasing importance in response to the aging population and the resulting increase in demand for specialized health and care services. The ability of RSAs to combine qualified medical assistance with daily life support services makes them a key element in the network of services necessary to guarantee a dignified quality of life for the elderly.

Investors who opt for this type of structure position themselves in a market with a high potential for stable, long-term returns . The growing need for assistance services and the limited offer existing in many geographical areas lay the foundations for an investment with high economic resilience.

Investing in these facilities requires a deep understanding of market dynamics and the specific needs of potential residents , as well as a commitment to creating livable, safe and stimulating environments.

Who to contact to invest in the healthcare real estate sector

In the context of real estate investments in healthcare, it is essential to turn to specialized reference companies in the sector. An example of this is Polygon Immobiliare , which boasts more than 10 years of experience in the real estate management of large properties intended for both commercial and residential use.

Specifically, the company currently offers building land for RSA use in Prato . It is a space that offers a total surface area of ​​over 18,000 m², divided into two areas with specific destinations for " social and welfare services " and for " spaces with a high naturalness index ".

The presence of a raw building intended for RSA and the possibility of further developing the site according to specific urban planning data make this land a unique opportunity for investors attentive to the dynamics of the healthcare sector.

The investment in land for RSA represents a strategic decision that aligns with the growing demand for qualified and accessible healthcare facilities . The design and construction of an RSA in this location could not only satisfy a local need but also offer a model that can be replicated in other areas , significantly contributing to the local health care network.

The decision to invest in land like the one proposed by Polygon Immobiliare requires a far-sighted vision and an intelligent approach to real estate investments.

Polygon Immobiliare, with its proposal in Prato, demonstrates how the healthcare real estate sector can offer dynamic and significant investment opportunities , capable of generating both economic and social value. Investors who choose to explore these opportunities can actively contribute to building a better future for society.

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The articleReal estate investments: eyes on the healthcare sector comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/investimenti-immobiliari-occhi-puntati-sul-settore-sanitario/ on Wed, 13 Mar 2024 23:01:43 +0000.