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Economic Scenarios

Retirement at 70: the wet dream of German economists

In Germany I think they are about to add a new form of psychic disorder alongside compulsive behaviors, masochism and sadism: economics.

Professor G unther Schnabl , an economist very much followed in Germany and particularly austere, calmly stated in an interview with Bild that the retirement age should be raised to 70 to keep the economy in balance. This because:

  • there are more and more retirees and fewer workers;
  • this means that workers, in the future, will have to be paid much more than now;
  • this will lead to a progressive increase in prices and therefore to inflation.

Fifth, the solution to the retirement problem is, in the end, not to retire, even if we calculate that life expectancy in Germany is 81 years and that these years are often marked by diseases and declining health. A not indifferent step back, among other things, given that when the retirement age was lowered from 70 to 65 there was still the Kaiser with a handlebar mustache and it was 1916.

For now, the German Social Democratic Minister H ubertus Heil has rejected the idea. seeing policemen, metalworkers and nurses working up to the age of 70 is an unhealthy idea, also because they would not always be able to do their job. Yet the idea has started, it is sneaking into the minds and has a thrust that in Germany has an almost religious power: the fight against inflation. You will see that it is only a matter of time, also because these ideas advance with the Schauble method: they are put on the table, they are rejected, but they remain there, they are repeated continuously until they are accepted out of exhaustion. The difference between the current proposed age, 67, and 70 is only three years. In the end, what do you want an economist of three years of people's lives to care about.

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The article Pension at 70: the wet dream of German economists comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/pensione-a-70-anni-il-sogno-bagnato-degli-economisti-tedeschi/ on Sun, 29 May 2022 09:31:07 +0000.