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Ricciardi: from guappo to Lord of vaccines, as a profession made it

In 2017 at the Feast of the PD in Florence Ricciardi, almost obvious protagonist, boasted of having imposed 10 mandatory vaccines, almost as if bringing us back to a medicine that does not cure because it no longer has the means was a source of pride. Indeed to tell the truth he complained that the vaccines were not 13, as he would have wished.

How much deep love for preventive therapies, even in the absence of mRNA … But it can be seen that this super-vaccine tendency has brought him luck in his appointment as president of the ISS, even if, as reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano, the decision was not really smooth: someone accused him of having been the first extraordinary Commissioner of the same body. Obviously, however, no one asked him if he had had a consultant with the big companies of Big Pharma. Because, if he did, he would have a lot to complain about.

In 2013 for a position at European level he was obliged to disclose the advice he had provided in the previous 5 years. Here is the complete list:

We can note that:

  • they are all vaccination consultations;
  • two are with Pfizer.

What can I say, you understand that you love vaccines so much, since they give them a living, and very well. Which in itself would not be negative, if it did not end up breaking the boxes with the obligatory nature of 60 million Italians and did not give rise to the suspicion that, perhaps, it would do a favor to its former employers.

However, don't worry: it does it so as not to make you like the Greeks!

And to close: Ricciardi loves Italians so much that he wants to put the black F of the Nutriscore classification on wine, sending his producers to hell. When they are closed they will be able to get vaccinated.

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The Ricciardi article: from guappo to Lord of vaccines, as a profession made it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ricciardi-da-guappo-a-signore-dei-vaccini-come-ne-ha-fatto-una-professione/ on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:36:16 +0000.