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Economic Scenarios

Rinaldi: we must find a peace agreement with Russia. The Superbonus must be modified, not canceled

Speech by Antonio Maria Rinaldi in Against the Current. This time there are rather heterogeneous themes, even very topical ones, on the table.

First of all the Ukrainian crisis, in which every European country moves in no particular order and we have no interest in the fact that there could be a military evolution of the crisis. Currently Europe is moving in no particular order, with initiatives by Macron who, even if he speaks on behalf of the EU, in reality is in the interests of France, as he always has.

So we talk about superbonus: the theme of fraud angers chic briars, but, in any case, the measure was useful to revive a dying sector such as the construction sector, as well as renovating many Italian houses. For the checks it would be enough to make the Guardia di Finanza more active, a body created precisely to carry out this type of activity. The measure can therefore be improved, but should not be canceled.

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The Rinaldi article: we must find a peace agreement with Russia. The Superbonus must be modified, not canceled, it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/rinaldi-dobbiamo-trovare-un-accordo-di-pace-con-la-russia-il-superbonus-va-modificato-non-cancellato/ on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 16:55:48 +0000.