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Rolling Stones magazine shoots a lie on Ivermectin and doesn’t even dare to apologize

The problem with the mainstream press is not that it is wrong: to err is human. The problem is that he can never, ever, admit it and that he is always wrong in one direction.

After well-known radio host Joe Rogan claimed to have cured Covid-19 with Ivermectin, this drug has had a certain revival in the US. so something had to happen .. and something was made to happen.

The well-known Rolling Stones magazine has released a piece " That Rocks " to say that, in Oklahoma, patients injured by firearms have to wait because of overdoses for Ivermectin.

The report, by Katelyn Ogle of KFOR of Oaklahoma, cites Oklahoma emergency room physician Dr. Jason McElyea, who said that people who overdosed on ivermectin-based horse dewormer clogged the access to the emergency room "so sustained that victims of firearms have had difficulty obtaining" access. to health facilities.

Well good, too bad it was a colossal lie.

Sequoya hospital had to issue a statement denying that patients were hospitalized for Ivermectin overdoses, as well as stating that Dr. McElyea only works with an outside team .

So Rolling Stones, after almost calling Rogan a scammer, came up with a good story against the Ivermect, but was caught with his hands in the pie. Do you think I apologized? You are wrong! He limited himself to publishing an "Update" in which he acknowledged the true facts.

Then these are the people who go around talking about disinformation, fake news, and ask for the intervention of censors and fact checkers. Yet, every day more, we are witnessing these obvious falsifications.

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The article Rolling Stones magazine shoots a lie on Ivermectin and doesn't even dare to apologize comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-rivista-rolling-stones-spara-una-balla-sullivermectin-e-neanche-ha-il-coraggio-di-chiedere-scusa/ on Mon, 06 Sep 2021 06:00:16 +0000.