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Economic Scenarios

Salvini: acquittal requested by the Public Prosecutor

The prosecutor Andrea Bonomo asked the Gup Nunzio Sarpietro to dismiss the crime of kidnapping aggravated against Matteo Salvini. Now the prosecution by the GUP becomes rather unlikely, although not impossible: there have been cases in which the GUP has indicted despite the requests of the PM, even if it is not normal judicial practice. At the same time a POLITICAL process like these in Salvini linked to the fight against illegal immigration are NOT Normal processes, so we can expect everything.

After all, the CSM practically acquitted itself on everything that happened in the Palamara case: should we perhaps be surprised by a political sentence of 15 years for a non-existent crime? Absolutely not.

In Europe there is often talk of the "rule of law" to attack Hungary and Poland. In Italy where the Judiciary acts as a political power, invading the prerogatives of the Legislative and the Executive and absolves itself, do we not have a violation of the "rule of law"? Ah yes, but the brutalization of the separation of powers comes from the left, so it's always good …

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The Salvini article : acquittal requested by the Public Prosecutor comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salvini-richiesto-proscioglimento-da-parte-del-pubblico-ministero/ on Sat, 03 Oct 2020 09:29:38 +0000.