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Economic Scenarios

Salvini: «Arcuri has failed, so we entrust him with the vaccines! In the UK they will start vaccinating, on a voluntary basis, in seven days, with us in 2 months !! “

Salvini intervenes in the Senate. Arcuri was entrusted with:

  • the management of PPE and resuscitation facilities, and has failed (and is under investigation ..);
  • the school emergency management, and failed;
  • the management of Ilva, and good luck to the workers;

now, since he has failed a bit on everything, for the most just of meritocracies, he is entrusted with the management of the emergency in the distribution of vaccines. From mid-December, the UK will start voluntarily vaccinating with the Pfizer vaccine. here the managers of the logistic chains for its distribution have not even heard. We will arrive with months of delays, but there is Arcuri!

Then we have to let the separated and divorced parents join the children, and the grandparents to the grandchildren, not parties, but family reunions are allowed. Then the problems of the sick, the disabled, mountain areas without skis… a lot of meat in the fire in this speech by Salvini in the Senate, to listen to.

Thanks to Inreverent and good listening

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Salvini's article : «Arcuri has failed, so we entrust him with vaccines! In the UK they will start vaccinating, on a voluntary basis, in seven days, with us in 2 months !! " comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salvini-arcuri-ha-fallito-quindi-gli-affidiamo-i-vaccini-nel-regno-unito-inizieranno-a-vaccinare-su-base-volontaria-fra-sette-giorni-da-noi-fra-2-mesi/ on Wed, 02 Dec 2020 17:25:22 +0000.