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Salvini: single group ID + ECR + PPE in Europe. It would be a revolution

From Estoril to Portugal Matteo Salvini returns to talk about European politics and political formations in Brussels. Currently the moderates and the center-right are divided between three groups: ID, which includes the League, ECR, which includes Brothers of Italy and the PPE which, within it, contains Forza Italia. After the exit of the Hungarian ruling party from the EPP, the political games moved and periodic meetings began between Italian, Polish members of PiS and Hungarians of Fidesz to organize at least a political convergence. But Salvini seems to want to widen the game. Here are his words:

" After Covid, nothing is the same as before: work, health, safety and freedom must return to the center of the European debate, enough with austerity and undemocratic and transparent bodies that decide on the skin of 500 million people", says Salvini. Who then recalls the numbers in the European Parliament: "ID 73 deputies for 10 nationalities (Lega with 27), ECR 61 deputies for 14 nationalities (FdI has 7), PPE 178 deputies for 27 nationalities (Forza Italia has 10), Orban 12 (non-attached) deputies ".

Combining all the PPD with ECR and ID appears to be a very difficult mission, but surely there are some components that are not satisfied with the current trend led by the Nordic, practically dominated by the German greens, the Spanish Popular Party for example is already allied with VOX in the government of Madrid, so it would not be a big problem to double in Brussels by disengaging from the PSOE, his main opponent.

The enormous European problem is precisely because there is no real center-right, given that the EPP has almost extreme left components, linked to the Nordic Protestant Christian parties. It would be enough to remember that it is the Lutheran churches that pay the Karola Sea Eye…. so it is more likely that the more conservative party will eventually get bored of tofu and sushi and want to go back to their roots.

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The Salvini article : in Europe a single group ID + ECR + PPE. It would be a revolution comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/salvini-in-europa-gruppo-unico-id-ecrppe-sarebbe-una-rivoluzione/ on Sun, 30 May 2021 12:49:29 +0000.